Aachen Proteineers

Aachen Proteineers

Aachen Proteineers is a start-up with a new coating technology, which allows to bind different biomolecules with special peptides to a variety of surfaces. This technology intensifies processes, reduces costs and achieves high coating densities in water at room temperature.


AI Technik GmbH


Ambica Edelstahl

Ambica Steels Ltd. is India’s largest manufacturer of long products in the “Special Stainless Steel Special” sector, with an annual production of over 80,000 tons, spread over 150 different grades.

Ambica Steels is a family owned and operated company for 3 generations with a rich experience in steel making.


Aquila Biolabs

aquila biolabs GmbH, founded in 2014 in Aachen, Germany, is a German technology company specialized in the development of innovative products for the analysis and control of bioprocesses.



Aumann is a leading international manufacturer of welding and assembly systems for the automotive industry. In addition, the company offers services for toolmaking, innovative transport technologies for exact positioning and inline measuring systems. Other industries include aviation, solar and wind power industry and household appliances.



Hybrid rolling bearings for use in the food and packaging industry. In the food and packaging industry, the demand for aseptic production processes is becoming increasingly loud. For example, the still growing trend towards PET or PP and HDPE packaging in the beverage industry makes aseptic filling essential.


BFB - büro für bauwesen

The büro für bauwesen sees itself as the link between client and contractor – from the first steps in the realization of a building construction project to its completion as well as during the operation of the property.


Cellerna Bioscience



The Dipo Telekommunikation GmbH is a modern master company with more than 30 years of experience in telecommunications technology. Qualified telecommunications technicians and electronics specialists design and install communication systems that are tailored to your specific needs.



The company EMS was founded in 1996. Since then, the company’s activities have focused on the procurement, production and distribution of vendor independent SMT screen printing accessories. The goal: to offer customers a bundled source for all SMT screen printing consumables.


Fiebak Medien

Fiebak Medien is an agency for communication, which conceives, arranges and converts individual and target group-specific communication solutions. Specialized in the fields of consulting, design, photography, video production, development, SEO and SEA, the agency delivers holistic and strategic solutions for successful brand communication.



Guido Pelzer Consult

Guido Pelzer became one of five certified Google seminar leaders in Germany in 2008. Since then Guido Pelzer advises companies throughout Germany on the development of Internet strategies. He regularly gives lectures at universities and conducts industry seminars. Guido Pelzer, author of several books, is known in professional circles as an online marketing expert.


Beckmann Coulter / m2p Labs

Research and development in the life science market is time-consuming and cost-intensive. With its specially developed microbioreactors m2p-labs enables customers to develop bioprocesses efficiently. The patented technology of the BioLector® can be used for screening, microbial microfermentation and automated processes.


Perkin Elmer

The core competence of the company is the production, functionalization and modification of magnetizable polymer particles (magnetic beads) on a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) basis.


Redline Technologies

Redline Technologies develops and produces modern electronics for industrial material processing. The focus is on clocked, controllable power supplies for lasers, eroding machines and HF generators as well as microcontroller systems.



One of the leading service companies in Germany for areas: Aviation, Facility and Industry. More than 50,000 employees are on duty with us day after day. At WISAG production service, we see ourselves as a partner to the producing industry. Our services cover the areas of maintenance and logistics, Production support, technical cleaning and industrial assembly.
